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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some answers to frequently asked questions.

(click the question to reveal the answer)

  • What organizations are eligible to receive funds from The Further Foundation?
    Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organizations that are located in the State of Nebraska are eligible to receive monetary contributions from TFF.
  • Does The Further Foundation support Nonprofits outside of Nebraska?
    No. Your organization must be located in the State of Nebraska.
  • How often does The Further Foundation review requests?
    The Further Foundation Board of Director's meets twice a year to review requests. Grants will be awarded following these meetings, twice a year.
  • How much money do I request?
    There is no set limit. You should request what is needed, depending on the request and the amount of other requests received, The Further Foundation may choose to partially or fully fund your request.
  • Will you meet with me prior to submitting a funding request?
    Absolutely! If you have more questions or would like more input please reach out to us by submitting a contact form on our contact page.
  • When will I be notified if my organization was awarded money?
    You will be notified by mail, email or a phone call within two weeks of the Board of Directors meeting. Payment times can vary depending on any contigencies.
Frequently Asked Questions
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